![Berliner Forum Außenpolitik 2021](/site/assets/files/15894/bfa_2021_2747.1280x0-hidpi.jpg)
Foto: David Ausserhofer
Berliner Forum Außenpolitik 2021
Chances in Change: German Foreign Policy in an Era of Transformation
Nur wenige Monate nach der Bundestagswahl bot das Berliner Forum Außenpolitik am 23. November 2021 exklusive Einblicke in die außenpolitische Agenda Deutschlands in der Post-Merkel-Ära. Unter der Überschrift „Chances in Change: German Foreign Policy in an Era of Transformation“ diskutierten Teilnehmer:innen die wichtigsten außenpolitischen Herausforderungen für eine neue deutsche Regierung und Europa. Was kann Europa von der deutschen Außenpolitik einer neuen Regierung erwarten – Kontinuität oder Wandel? Wie sollte sich Europa im sich verschärfenden technologischen Wettbewerb zwischen den USA und China positionieren? Kann die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels eine neue Ära der multilateralen Zusammenarbeit einleiten? Inwieweit kann die EU noch zu Stabilität und Wohlstand in ihrer östlichen und südöstlichen Nachbarschaft beitragen?
Diese und weitere Fragen wurden in der Jubiläumsausgabe zum 10-jährigen Bestehen des Berliner Forums Außenpolitik erörtert.
09.00 – 09.30 Uhr:
Opening Remarks
- Thomas Paulsen, Member of the Executive Board, Körber-Stiftung
Welcome Address
Heiko Maas, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany
![Eröffnungsrede von Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas](/site/assets/files/16034/bfa_2021_2139.1060x0-hidpi.jpg)
09.30 – 10.30 Uhr:
Future-proof? Germany and Europe in an Era of Transformation
- Nathalie Loiseau, MP, Chair, Subcommittee on Security and Defence; Renew Europe Group, European Parliament
- Franziska Brantner, MdB, Parliamentary Whip for the Parliamentary Group of Alliance90/The Greens, German Bundestag
- Bernadett Szél, MP, Member, Committee on European Affairs, Országgyűlés (Hungarian National Assembly)
- Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies, University of Oxford
Moderation: Shakuntala Banerjee, Deputy Head, Berlin Studio, ZDF
![Future-proof? Germany and Europe in an Era of Transformation – Timothy Garton Ash, Nathalie Loiseau, MP, Shakuntala Banerjee, Franziska Brantner, MdB, Bernadett Szél, MP](/site/assets/files/16036/bfa_2021_2230.1060x0-hidpi.jpg)
11.00 – 11.45 Uhr:
Conversation with …
- Rangin Dadfar Spanta, former Foreign Minister and National Security Advisor, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Moderatotion: Nora Müller, Executive Director International Affairs, Körber-Stiftung
![Rangin Dadfar Spanta, ehemaliger Außenminister und nationaler Sicherheitsberater, Islamische Republik Afghanistan](/site/assets/files/16038/bfa_2021_2372.1060x0-hidpi.jpg)
11.45 – 12.15 Uhr:
The Berlin Pulse 2021/22 – Transatlantic Relations in an Era of Transformation
In Cooperation with Pew Research Center.
Interactive Presentation by
- Liana Fix, Programme Director International Affairs, Körber-Stiftung
- James Bell, Vice President of Global Strategy, Pew Research Center
![Interaktive Präsentation des „Berlin Pulse 2021/22“ in Kooperation mit dem Pew Research Center mit Liana Fix und James Bell](/site/assets/files/16040/bfa_2021_2426.1060x0-hidpi.jpg)
12.30 – 13.45 Uhr:
Breakout Session 1 – Ambitious France, Reluctant Europe?
In Cooperation with Institut Montaigne
- Sylvie Goulard, former Member, European Parliament
- Michel Duclos, Senior Advisor, Institut Montaigne
Moderation: Georgina Wright, Senior Fellow and Director, Europe Program, Institut Montaigne
12.30 – 13.45 Uhr:
Breakout Session 2 – The Geneva Conventions in the Digital Age
- Peter Maurer, President, International Committee of the Red Cross
- Marietje Schaake, International Director of Policy, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University; President, CyberPeace Institute
Moderation: Alisa Vogt, Programme Director International Affairs, Körber-Stiftung
12.30 – 13.45 Uhr:
Breakout Session 3 – Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion in International Affairs
In Cooperation with Paris Peace Forum
- Trisha Shetty, Founder, SheSays; President of the Steering Committee, Paris Peace Forum
Moderation: Ronja Scheler, Programme Director International Affairs, Körber-Stiftung
13.00 – 14.00 Uhr:
Breakout Session 4 – Transatlantic China Policy: Perspectives from Berlin and Washington
In Cooperation with Pew Research Center
- Petra Sigmund, Director General for Asia and the Pacific, Federal Foreign Office
- Lisa Curtis, Senior Fellow and Director, Indo-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security; former Senior Director for South and Central Asia, U.S. National Security Council
Including a presentation of survey results by
- Jacob Poushter, Associate Director of Global Attitudes Research, Pew Research Center, and Julia Ganter, Editor The Berlin Pulse, Körber-Stiftung.
Moderation: Andrew Cohen, Communications Director, Pew Research Center
14.00 – 15.00 Uhr:
The Geopolitics of the Digital Transformation
- Eva-Maria Liimets, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Estonia
- YAN Xuetong, President, Carnegie-Tsinghua Management Board; Dean, Institute of Modern International Relations, Tsinghua University
- Nadia Schadlow, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute; former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy, U.S. National Security Council
Moderation: Stormy-Annika Mildner, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Germany
![The Geopolitics of the Digital Transformation – Eva-Maria Liimets, Nadia Schadlow, Stormy-Annika Mildner](/site/assets/files/16042/bfa_2021_2653.1060x0-hidpi.jpg)
Followed by Deep Dive on Gaming and International Relations with Manouchehr Shamsrizi, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), and Kaspar Meyer, Federal Foreign Office
15.30 – 16.45 Uhr:
The EU’s Neighbourhood: From Transformation to Stabilization?
- Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, President, Republic of Kosovo
- Stefano Sannino, Secretary General, European External Action Service
- Fiona Hill, Robert Bosch Senior Fellow, Center on the United States and Europe, Brookings Institution; former Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs, U.S. National Security Council
- Andreas Nick, Vice-President, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
- With a video message by Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Leader of the Belarus Opposition
Moderation: Liana Fix, Programme Director International Affairs, Körber-Stiftung
![The EU’s Neighbourhood: From Transformation to Stabilization? Vjoss Osmani-Sadriu, Stefano Sannino and Fiona Hill, Moderation: Liana Fix und Andreas Nick](/site/assets/files/16047/bfa_2021_2835.1060x0-hidpi.jpg)
Followed by Deep Dive on Populism and Current Threats to Democracy with Fiona Hill
16.45 – 17.30 Uhr:
Lessons Learned for the Green Transformation
- Nick Bridge, Special Representative for Climate Change, United Kingdom
- María Fernanda Espinosa, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy; President of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (2018-2019)
- Parag Khanna, Founder & Managing Partner, FutureMap
Moderation: Nora Müller, Executive Director International Affairs, Körber-Stiftung
![Lessons Learned for the Green Transformation: María Fernanda Espinosa und Nora Müller](/site/assets/files/16049/bfa_2021_2976.1060x0-hidpi.jpg)
18.00 – 18.30 Uhr:
Spotlight Interview
In Cooperation with Der Spiegel
- Omid Nouripour, MdB, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Parliamentary Group of Alliance90/The Greens, German Bundestag
Moderation: Britta Sandberg, Paris Bureau Chief, Der Spiegel
![Spotlight Interview mit Omid Nouripour in Kooperation mit DER SPIEGEL](/site/assets/files/16051/bfa_2021_3099.1060x0-hidpi.jpg)
Heiko Maas und Thomas Paulsen Foto: David Ausserhofer Einleitende Bemerkungen durch Thomas Paulsen Foto: David Ausserhofer Berlin Pulse 2021/22 Foto: David Ausserhofer Das Team hinter dem Berliner Forum Außenpolitik 2021 Foto: David Ausserhofer