Photo: Körber-Stiftung
We are committed to transparency
Any organisation working for the common good should say what it does, where its funds come from, how they are used and who are the decision-makers. We have signed a self-commitment to this end, obliging it to publish information on ten points. This information is given below:
1. Locations
Körber-Stiftung was established by the entrepreneur Kurt A. Körber in 1959. Nowadays we are active regionally, nationally and internationally with our own projects, cooperations and events. We operate at three locations:
Kehrwieder 12
20457 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 • 40 • 80 81 92 – 0
Fax: +49 • 40 • 80 81 92 – 300
E-mail: info@koerber-stiftung.de
Capital city office
Pariser Platz 4a
D-10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 • 30 • 206 267 – 60
Fax: +49 • 30 • 206 267 – 67
E-mail: ip@koerber-stiftung.de
Holzhude 1
21029 Hamburg, Germany
Telefon +49 • 40 • 72 57 02 – 0
E-Mail info@koerberhaus.de
2. Our guiding principles
We want to improve our society! We are confident this will succeed only through dialogue and understanding. That’s why we work to promote understanding between peoples and between social groups in Germany, for greater enlightenment and reflection through science, education and culture, and for confrontation with our historical origin and identity.
to the complete Guiding Principles
Our guiding principles are also reflected in the foundation’s Articles of Association (PDF).
3. Legal form
Körber-Stiftung is a public foundation with legal capacity, neither owned by nor controlled by a natural person. In the absence of a natural person, members of Körber-Stiftung’s Executive Board count as economic beneficiaries as defined in the German Anti-Money Laundering Act of 23 June 2017. Körber-Stiftung is subject to government supervision by the Judicial Authority of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Hamburg’s Tax Office has recognised Körber-Stiftung as a tax-privileged (non-profit) corporate body by issuing an Exemption Certificate (PDF).
4. Executive bodies
You can find the names and functions of our decision-makers at Committees.
5. Activities
We also regard our Internet site as a report of our organisation’s activities. On request, we are also available in person to answer any queries. Please contact our Press Officer Julian Claaßen: claassen@koerber-stiftung.de.
6. Employees
Körber-Stiftung employs staff in the foundation’s project-related work. You can find the total number of employees in the document Personnel Structure (PDF).
7. & 8. Source and application of funds
The source and application of funds are both presented as Tables in the Profit and Loss Statement (PDF). Additional information can be found in the graphic presentation of the Utilisation of Funds by Foundation Areas (PDF) and in the Balance Sheet (PDF).
9. Corporate affiliation with third parties
Today, Körber Group is an international technology group with more than 12,000 employees and more than 100 locations worldwide. Körber AG is the holding company of the Körber Group which is active in the Business Areas Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain, and Technologies. The Körber Group generated sales of EUR 2.5 billion in fiscal year 2022.
Körber-Stiftung is sole shareholder of Körber AG and receives dividends. The Körber AG’s Supervisory Board Chairman is a member of the foundation’s Council and Financial Board.
10. Contributions
In the context of Körber-Stiftung, there are no legal entities other than the Asset Management (Körber AG) whose contribution to Körber-Stiftung amounts to more than 10% of our total annual incomes.