Photo: David Ausserhofer
All issues since 2017
Since 2017, The Berlin Pulse has been published annually in fall. Due to the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, we decided to publish a special issue in May 2020 in addition to our annual publication.

The Berlin Pulse 2023/2024
Of Paradigms and Power Shifts
Press Release (German)
Survey Results (Kantar)
The Berlin Pulse 2023/2024: Illustrated Survey Results

The Berlin Pulse 2022/23
Rethinking Security for Germany and Europe

The Berlin Pulse 2022/23: Illustrated Survey Results
Survey Results (Kantar)

Survey results in detail (German)
Press release (German)

The Berlin Pulse 2021/22

The Berlin Pulse 2021/22: Illustrations
Press release, 22.11.2021 (German)
All results (German)
We asked Germans about their views on foreign policy in the run-up to the German federal election.
Here you can find the results and further material for download:

Survey results

Survey results in detail (German)
Presse release (German)

The Berlin Pulse 2020/21
With contributions by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Paolo Gentiloni, Peter Altmaier, H.R. McMaster and others

Survey results
Transatlantic relations, impact of the U.S. election on US-German relations, & Europe’s position between CHN & RUS

Survey results in detail (German)

Survey results after US-elections in detail (German)

The Berlin Pulse 2020 Special Edition
With contributions by Pascal Lamy, Feng Zhongping, Karen Donfried and others

Survey results
Globalization, multilateralism and European solidarity in times of Covid-19

Survey results in detail (German)

The Berlin Pulse 2019/20
With contributions by Jacek Czaputowicz, Fu Ying, Brett McGurk, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and others

Survey results
Europe, transatlantic relations and Germany's relations with the Asia-Pacific region

Survey results in detail (German)

The Berlin Pulse 2018/19
With contributions by Kersti Kaljulaid, Filippo Grandi, Mateusz Morawiecki, Heiko Maas and others

Survey results
Transatlantic relations, the importance of Europe, political unrest in the Middle East and the future of multilateralism

Survey results in detail (German)

The Berlin Pulse 2017
With contributions by Condoleezza Rice, Jens Stoltenberg, Timothy Garton Ash and others

Survey results
Germany's engagement in international crises, Europe, and transatlantic relations

Survey results in detail (German)