Technology Radar

Photo: Berlin University of Applied Sciences

TechnikRadar (Technology Radar) investigates what Germans think about technology. This long-term research project provides soundly-based stimuli for public debate on the significance, design and regulation of technical innovations. It also serves as an early-warning system to avoid possible undesirable developments in technological change or to point out a need for communication. Currently, the focus is on the effects of digitalisation on the health system.

Technology is a central driving force for innovation and a guarantor of our prosperity, and can contribute to solving global challenges. However, technology is also fundamentally changing how we live, learn, work, consume, communicate and move around. This change is partly met with scepticism and partly with approval. TechnikRadar, which belongs to acatech – the German Academy of Science and Engineering, the Körber-Stiftung and the Centre for Innovation and Risk Research at the University of Stuttgart, investigates the attitude of Germans in this area of heated debate. Do Germans tend to associate technology more with hope or more with unease? Which new technologies do they approve of, and which do they reject? Which conditions must be met for people to be receptive vis-à-vis technological change? TechnikRadar is a regular, nationally representative survey that is developed according to social science standards and evaluated using methods of empirical social research. As a long-term early warning system, it renders aberrant developments in technological change recognisable, or points out a need for communication. At the same time, it aims to support innovation processes to ensure that products and technologies are in harmony with the citizens’ expectations. The results provide a sound basis for a discussion on the significance, design options and regulatory requirements of technical innovations.

Wie sich die Technikeinstellungen der Deutschen verändert haben

Foto: Intelligent Visual Design/Pixabay
TechnikRadar 2024

Wie haben sich die Technikeinstellungen der Deutschen seit 2017 angesichts der Krisen und Debatten geändert? Das hat das TechnikRadar 2024 auf der Grundlage von vier Befragungswellen untersucht.

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Thomas Nöthen

Programme Manager
Hamburg Science Summit, Körber European Science Prize, Technology Radar

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