Julian Nida-Rümelin at the presentation of his study "Democracy in Crisis. A Wake-up Call for Renewal in the Face of the Pandemic".

Strengthening Democracy

Photo: David Ausserhofer

Democracy is more than voting. Democracy means involving people in decision-making, as well as including their points of view and harnessing their ideas for the common good. How can these basic principles contribute today to further develop our political system and safely steer it through current and forthcoming crises? We ask ourselves these questions in the study series “Strengthening Democracy” with Julian Nida-Rümelin.

In the three-year study series, Julian Nida-Rümelin examines and discusses ways to strengthen our democracy. How can it be made stronger into the future against a historical, political and philosophical background? What must we do to rethink, secure and establish democratic structures to survive through crises?

In each year, the author sets a new focus to examine the challenges of a modern democracy and gives hints on possible ways to strengthen it. Julian Nida-Rümelin writes an analysis for each topic, which is supplemented by comments from experts, interviews and surveys. The respective annual studies are accompanied by workshops, smaller events, interviews and a concluding presentation of each of the results.

Studie 2023

Die Rolle der Zivilkultur in der Demokratie: Streit, Kooperation, Partizipation

Julian Nida-Rümelin, Philosoph und Staatsminister a. D., erörtert die Frage: Wie gelingt die Stärkung der Zivilkultur und wie kann sie unsere demokratische Praxis bereichern?

Die Studie: Die Rolle der Zivilkultur

Umfrage Demokratie in der Krise 2023

Deutsche verlieren Vertrauen in ihre Demokratie

Die repräsentative Umfrage von policy matters im Auftrag der Körber-Stiftung von 2023 zeigt ein schwindendes Vertrauen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger in die Demokratie.

Studie 2022

Demokratie in der digitalen Transformation

Julian Nida-Rümelin, Philosoph und Staatsminister a. D., erörtert die Frage: Wie gelingt die digitale Transformation und wie kann sie unsere demokratische Praxis bereichern?

Die Studie: Digitale Transformation

Die Studie: Demokratie in der Krise


Hannes Hasenpatt

Programme Director

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