Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier activates the portal "Stark im Amt" (Strength for office-holders) in Berlin.

Strength for office-holders

Photo: David Ausserhofer

People who assume political responsibility for their community are increasingly becoming victims of insults, threats or attacks. And this is despite the fact that many of them work purely on a voluntary basis. The portal Stark im Amt (Strength for office-holders) offers concrete help to all municipal officials and elected representatives in Germany: Information, support services and tips on prevention.

Local politics is the basis of our democracy. Those who are involved in local politics must not become targets of hatred and violence. When people who work for our community are threatened or attacked, a free and democratic society also comes under pressure. Strength for office-holders opposes this. It is the first central point of contact that provides information and guidance to elected representatives at the local level. Whether you are a mayor, a district administrator or a member of the city council, the portal acts as a guide and points out options for action and contacts in order to master the challenge of an attack and to hold those responsible accountable. And it gives tips on prevention. Strength for office-holders is an initiative of the Körber-Stiftung in cooperation with the German Association of Cities and Towns, the German Association of Counties and the German Association of Cities and Towns.

Foto: David Ausserhofer

„Unsere Gesellschaft muss auf die Verrohung reagieren. Wir müssen verlorene Zivilität zurückerobern! Stark im Amt ist ein Anfang.“

Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Angedockt an das Portal Stark im Amt ist die starke Stelle. Die bundesweite, unabhängige Ansprechstelle berät kostenlos Amts- und Mandatstragende, wie sie sich schützen und wehren können und Hilfsangebote vor Ort finden. Die Beratung kann telefonisch oder per Video stattfinden, außerdem ist die Beratungsstelle unter 0800 300 99 44 erreichbar.

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Repräsentative Umfrage über die Bedrohung von Kommunalpolitiker:innen
Mehr Respekt bitte!

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Brochure "More respect, please!"
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Umfrage „Hass und Gewalt gegen Kommunalpolitiker:innen“
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Eine Führung durch das Portal „Stark im Amt“


Katrin Klubert

Programme Director
Municipality and Resilience

Katharina Wall

Programme Manager
Municipality and Resilience

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