At the 2019 Forum, guests were able to get to know DIPAS, a digital planning table with an integrated system for citizen participation

Open City Forum

Photo: Claudia Höhne

How can we use data together to enable participatory and sustainable living in a city? Together with the “Code for Hamburg”, we invite you to the Open City Forum to discuss this question. The Forum is the largest specialist conference for Open Data and Open Government in Germany. Once a year, stakeholders from politics, civil society and administration come together to learn, from and with each other, how we can use digital innovations for democracy and the common good in the city.

In cities, citizens meet each other, utilise state-operated services provided by the public administration on a daily basis, and use infrastructures financed by the state, such as local public transport. In this respect, because more and more data is collected from citizens, the question arises as to how the democratic state regulates this digitalisation and what happens to the collected data. Through open data legislation and open government processes, the federal republic, states and local governments commit to the greatest possible transparency and make data available to the general public. However, it is not permissible for the process of publishing government data and digitalising public infrastructure to be a one-sided top-down process. Civil society stakeholders and interest groups use open government data and get involved with their ideas to help shape digitalisation in cities.

So how can citizens particiapte, from whom can cities find support, and how can digitalisation help administrations deal with the challenges of the 21st century? At the Open City Forum, urban designers from the fields of public tech, digital civil society and municipal administration will discuss common strategies, the best digital tools and examples of good practice with internationally renowned guests.

„Das Forum Offene Stadt bildet eine wunderbare Klammer um die vielfältigen dezentralen und lokal-zentrierten Aktivitäten und vernetzt die digitale Zivilgesellschaft überregional mit Verwaltungen.“

Henriette Litta, Open Knowledge Foundation

In Kooperation mit „Code for Hamburg“ veranstalten wir das Forum Offene Stadt seit 2017. Die Konferenz ist der Ort für Diskussion und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Fachleuten und Laien, Verwaltung und Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, Civic Tech und Politikerinnen und Politikern. Zusammen machen wir die digitale Stadt der Zukunft besser!

Zuletzt waren unter anderem Audrey Tang, Digitalministerin von Taiwan, Francesca Bria, Präsidentin des Italienischen Nationalen Innovationsfonds, Bianca Wylie, Gründerin des Open Data Institute Toronto, Marina Weisband, Politikerin, Malte Spitz, Gründer der Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte, und Markus Beckedahl, Gründer von, zu Gast. Kern des Forums ist die Begegnung und der Austausch.

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In Kooperation mit

Timo Lundelius
Timo Lundelius
Code for Hamburg

X (Twitter): @OffeneStadt


Hannes Hasenpatt

Programme Director

Katrin Klubert

Programme Director
Municipality and Resilience

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