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Logged in!

Photo: Körber-Stiftung

Must people adapt to technology or do we adapt technology to people?

A rapidly digitalising society needs citizens who can competently use the opportunities of progress and master its risks. This also applies to older people.

With the “Logged in!” week, we make visible the initiatives and actors who are advancing the digitalisation of older people. Together with local partners, people over 50 in various towns and cities are invited to discover their enthusiasm for surfing, blogging or gaming and to immerse themselves in the digital worlds of older age.

Anyone who shapes digitalisation must also include older people and their role in the digital transformation. We advocate involving older people as co-creators of digital technologies and experts in their living environment in order to develop smart solutions for future challenges.

A prerequisite for this is the confident use of digital technology. Together with local partners in various German cities, we offer older people a chance to look behind the scenes of the digital world. For this purpose, Logged In! makes visible the initiatives, organisations, multipliers and actors who accompany older people into the digital world. We show which contact points and offers already exist – and do so directly on the site.

The Logged in! week encourages a playful but also a critical approach to hardware and software, and invites you to find out how much fun and creativity the digital world offers.

The Logged in! network brings players together and promotes an exchange of views on age-friendly digitalisation.

Alter und Digitalisierung in unserer Mediathek


Jonathan Petzold

Programme Director
Ageing and Digitalisation

Caterina Römmer

Programme Manager
Ageing and Digitalisation

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