
AI and demography

In the current mixed situation of an ageing society, technological progress and in particular the development of artificial intelligence (AI) can play an important role in supporting a good life in old age and intergenerational cohesion. To achieve this, AI must be actively designed in an age-friendly way.

The potential of AI in an ageing society is not limited to the health and care sector. There are indeed great opportunities here: From improved diagnostics and therapy, to supporting processes and documentation, to ensuring the safety and autonomy of those in need of care. However, AI offers enormous opportunities, particularly in the active ageing phase. It can support people in leading a healthy, self-determined, participation-orientated lifestyle. In this way, it has a preventative effect in relation to the vulnerable phase of old age. This corresponds to the wishes of the majority of the population for a good life in old age. Be it a smart home that guarantees people can remain safe and independent in their own four walls, intelligent mobility solutions that enable participation in social and cultural life or personal AI assistance that supports a healthy lifestyle.

At the same time, we face crucial tasks when it comes to making AI accessible and usable for all of us. Existing AI systems must be designed fairly and better adapted to the needs of different age groups and backgrounds. The needs and perspectives of older people as experts in their own living environment must be incorporated into the development of new technologies.

We encourage discourse on the age-friendly and human-centred use and development of AI. We are actively working to make AI age-friendly. To this end, we create spaces in which new things can be tried out and impart knowledge on how to use AI confidently in order to reduce any uncertainties. We encourage active participation in the design of AI technologies.

The perspective of older people must be directly integrated into development to ensure that artificial intelligence meets the requirements of an ageing society.

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