Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has increasingly found its way into the media and German society since the end of 2022. It is a complex and multifaceted sub-discipline of digitalisation. Its progressive spread in digital systems and processes requires more and more understanding of its versatile potential uses, but also an examination of the opportunities and risks.

There needs to be more than just a discussion about how AI should be used, where its limits should be and what added value it brings to society. Civil society must be involved in the next industrial revolution and be encouraged to play an active role in shaping it. After all, the impact of artificial intelligence is not limited to professional life, smart factories, process optimisation and self-driving cars. They extend into all areas of social, cultural and democratic coexistence. Whether it is an ageing society, cultural life, the future of education and research, international relations or the cohesion of the democratic structure: rapid developments are accompanied by great opportunities and great risks.

Artificial intelligence must be made comprehensible and explainable as a comprehensively socially relevant topic, not just in terms of technology, IT or science. In its expansion in various fields and areas, artificial intelligence is not a passing trend, but rather is still in the early stages of a social upheaval. We are sustainably committed to this field and encourage people to engage with artificial intelligence.

“Promoting society also means challenging it.”

Kurt Körber

Founder of Körber-Stiftung

Mission statement

Our task is to strengthen civil society in Germany for the digital transformation by utilising the potential of artificial intelligence for the common good and considering its impact on the social fabric. People are at the centre of this, because we can only actively shape our digital future by addressing the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence. We want to make the voices of civil society heard in order to utilise the potential of AI for more civic engagement, overcoming social disadvantages and greater social cohesion.

Our work is not limited to having our say: With a structured approach to the various facets of AI, we want to provide suggestions and impetus as to how actors in the third sector can take up its use themselves and apply it for their charitable purposes.

Our aim is for society to help shape the development and use of AI. We are convinced that the third sector needs a strategy for the digital age and that our themed campaign can help to initiate conversations and collaborations. We therefore want to raise awareness of the importance of artificial intelligence and promote collaboration between different stakeholders.

Recent articles

Hamburg Horizons

Vom 9. Oktober bis zum 14. November beschäftigte sich die Veranstaltungsreihe unter dem Titel "KI und Wir" mit der Frage, wie künstliche Intelligenz unsere Gesellschaft in Zukunft beeinflussen wird.

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