Workshop for History Competition Tutors in Hamburg

Körber History Education Network

Photo: Claudia Höhne

Historical project work offers unique learning and experience opportunities for children and young people. It thrives on good ideas, commitment and experiential knowledge.

With the expertise and network from more than 45 years of the Federal President’s History Competition, we would like to strengthen historical project work in schools and embed it in the training of history teachers. Together with partners, we initiate and promote programmes for historical learning and historical project work with children and young people.

We want to give motivation for active engagement with history that is close to the real world – nationwide and here among us locally in Hamburg.

Impulse zur Geschichtsvermittlung

Körber Hochschulnetzwerk Geschichtsvermittlung

Projektorientiertes, forschend-entdeckendes Lernen an Schulen stärken

Dieses Anliegen verbindet das Hochschulnetzwerk Geschichtsvermittlung, bestehend aus rund 20 Hochschulen und Universitäten.

Geschichtsimpulse für Hamburg


Kirsten Pörschke

Programme Manager
German Federal President’s History Competition

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