Group picture at GUC Hamburg 2019

Global University Leaders Council Hamburg

(c) Claudia Höhne

The Global University Leaders Council Hamburg brings together presidents of leading universities from all over the world in Hamburg with the goal of consciously and collectively shaping the process of global university development. The Council is a joint initiative of the German Rectors' Conference, Körber-Stiftung and the University of Hamburg.

The process of globalisation has led to a situation in which higher education systems worldwide are facing a number of similar challenges. These range from threats to university autonomy and academic freedom, to conflicting theories of the university and education, and from questions of access to higher education to the financing of university teaching and research.

The Global University Leaders Council Hamburg provides a forum for discussions on the core roles and values of universities in a globalised higher education landscape.

GUC 2023: Navigating competition and collaboration – The way forward for universities

Competition and collaboration have always been part of academia. In recent years and decades, however, the way in which these principles shape the academic landscape has changed. Today, universities themselves have become competitors, where before the competitors have been individual researchers and countries. On the other hand, recent years have also witnessed the emergence of new forms of collaboration, such as strategic university alliances. What challenges arise from the complex interplay of competition and collaboration – and how should universities respond to them? The study “Navigating competition and collaboration – The way forward for universities”, conducted by Peter Maassen and his colleagues from the University of Oslo, tackles these questions from an empirical perspective. The study will serve as a starting point for the GUC 2023, which will be held from June 14 to 16 in Hamburg.

Navigating competition and collaboration – The way forward for universities

A study by Peter Maassen, Jens Jungblut, Bjørn Stensaker, Rachel Griffith and Ariana Rosso, University of Oslo

Hamburg Declaration 2023
Joint statement by all participants of 2023

GUC Hamburg 2021: Universities facing Climate Change and Sustainability

The theme of GUC 2021, which was held virtually, was the contribution of universities to tackling climate change and making society more sustainable. In the final declaration, the university leaders committed their institutions to taking a holistic approach to climate protection and sustainability. They stressed the importance of global solidarity and of strengthening opportunities for joint action by the institutions. Furthermore, all students should be educated about the challenges of climate change and sustainability issues in their studies. These goals were agreed upon by 45 university leaders from 27 countries.

summary (German)
Hamburg Declaration 2021
Joint statement by all participants of 2021


GUC Hamburg 2019: The Place of University in Society

study (155 pages)
summary (German)
Hamburg Declaration 2019 (4 pages)
Joint statement by all participants of GUC 2019

GUC Hamburg 2017: Responding to Massification

summary (German)
Hamburg Declaration 2017 (4 pages)
Joint statement by all participants of GUC 2017


X (Twitter): @KoerberScience


Matthias Mayer

Head of Department Science

Dr. Markus Dressel

Programme Director
Hamburg Science Summit, Körber European Science Prize

Franziska Heese

Programme Manager
Hamburg Science Summit, Körber European Science Prize

Charlotte Worbes (parental leave)

Programme Manager
Körber European Science Prize, Global University Leaders Council Hamburg

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