Exiljournalistin  Tobore Ouvorie für „Stimmen des Exils“

Foto: Elvis Okhifo/DW

Voices of Exile

Exile journalism together with the Tagesspiegel

Journalists who were threatened and persecuted for their reporting and therefore had to leave their country know the special value of freedom of the press, freedom of expression and human rights. Being able to report what you want without fear or threat – many exiled journalists in Germany experience this as a liberation.

With the “Voices of Exile” series, we would like to let journalists in exile have their say together with the Tagesspiegel. On selected days of remembrance or action, their articles will be published in the Tagesspiegel on themed pages. In their texts, the journalists report, for example, on their impressions of life in exile, share their experiences of dictatorial systems and explore the significance of political discourse in the private sphere.

In addition, the exiled journalists deepen their knowledge of the German media system in accompanying workshops and hone their journalistic tools.

Special page on International Press Freedom Day 2023

Exiljournalistinnen und -journalisten schreiben zum Internationalen Tag der Pressfreiheit am 3. Mai 2024 über die Presselage in ihren Ländern, u. a. über Afghanistan, Nigeria und Russland.
Exiljournalistinnen und -journalisten schreiben zum Internationalen Tag der Pressfreiheit am 3. Mai 2024 über die Presselage in ihren Ländern, u. a. über Afghanistan, Nigeria und Russland. Foto: Shekib Mawlavizada

Special page on International Press Freedom Day 2023

Exiljournalistinnen und -Journalisten schreiben zum Internationalen Tag der Pressefreiheit am 3. Mai 2023
Exiljournalistinnen und -Journalisten schreiben zum Internationalen Tag der Pressefreiheit am 3. Mai 2023 Foto: Kitty Kleist-Heinrich/Tagesspiegel

Special page on the Exile Media Forum 2022

Exiljournalist:innen schreiben zum Exile Media Forum am 16. Mai 2022
Exiljournalist:innen schreiben zum Exile Media Forum am 16. Mai 2022 Foto: Wakil Kohsar/AFP

Special page on the 2021 german federal election

Journalists in exile write about the federal elections on 26 September 2021
Journalists in exile write about the federal elections on 26 September 2021 Foto: dpa, Stefan Weger, privat

Special page for Press Freedom Day 2020

Exiljournalistinnen und -Journalisten schreiben zum Tag der Pressefreiheit am 3. Mai 2021
Exiljournalistinnen und -Journalisten schreiben zum Tag der Pressefreiheit am 3. Mai 2021 Foto: Fares Almatar

Special page for International Women's Day 2019

Exiljournalistinnen schreiben zum Internationalen Frauentag am 8. März 2021
Exiljournalistinnen schreiben zum Internationalen Frauentag am 8. März 2021 Foto: Stefan Weger

Special page on International Human Rights Day 2018

Journalists in exile write about the federal elections on 26 September 2021
Journalists in exile write about the federal elections on 26 September 2021 Foto: Amloud Alamir

Special page on the International Day of Democracy 2017

Exiljournalistinnen und -Journalisten schreiben zum Internationalen Tag der Demokratie am 15. September 2021
Exiljournalistinnen und -Journalisten schreiben zum Internationalen Tag der Demokratie am 15. September 2021 Foto: Körber-Stiftung