Exile Media Forum 2024
The sixth Exile Media Forum (EMF) and the Young Exile Media Forum took place in Hamburg on 15 and 16 October 2024.
The EMF offered a unique platform to connect with international peers and meet representatives from civil society and politics. The keynote address was delivered by Aye Chan Naing, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the exiled Democratic Voice of Burma, one of Myanmar’s leading independent exile media organizations.
This year’s EMF focused on methodological approaches and solutions. Particpants discussed discussed innovative funding and distribution models for exile media outlets. The conference adressed questions: How can journalists best navigate the legal conditions of life in exile? What collaborations between exile and German media have been most successful and why? What opportunities can AI technology and community-based platforms offer for journalists living in exile?
Speakers from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua and Russia shared their insights.
The EMF’s guest partners were the JX Fund and the Thomson Reuters Foundation, with additional participation from the DW Akademie, Neue Deutsche Medienmacher*innen, Radio Sakharov/CORRECTIV and more.
The Young Exile Media Forum took place on October 16. The Norwegian fact-checking organization Faktisk.no held practical workshops aimed primarily at exiled journalists under the age of 40. Participants learned methods of fact-checking using AI technology.
The Exile Media Forum was part of the Hamburg Week of Press Freedom, an initiative of Körber-Stiftung and ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS.