Photo: David Kumermann
EUSTORY Pulse Check
What moves Europe’s youth? At the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit from 28 September to 2 October 2023 in Prague, we asked more than 100 young Europeans aged 16 to 25 from 23 countries how they look at history, the present and the future in light of current global challenges. The survey results are displayed in the EUSTORY Pulse Check.
What comes to your mind first when you hear the word “politics”? Describe “politics” in three words

What comes to your mind first when you hear the word “history? Describe “history” in three words

How satisfied are you with democracy as it exists in your country?

What socio-economic topics make you worry?

What helps you to plug out and distract yourself from anxiety, bad news and worries?

When you think of your parents’ generation: Do you think your own generation will have it better or worse in terms of income and standard of living?

How would you most likely describe yourself when it comes to your citizenship and identity?

Who are your main role models for you personally today?