Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

  • Christopher Hope
    • LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • English
    • Talk and concert
    • Exile

    Kick-off event with the "Speech on Exile"

    Details and registration
  • Dazwischen oder mittendrin?
    • Kulturzentrum Brotfabrik Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Exhibition opening and exhibition
    • Exile

    In between or already in the middle?

    Details and registration
  • Person mit Handy
    • Kulturzentrum Brotfabrik Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Exhibition
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile

    In between worlds - keeping in touch from exile

    Details and registration
  • Beethovens Schreibtisch aus dem Besitz von Stefan Zweig
    • Beethoven-Haus Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Lecture
    • Exile

    In exile with Beethoven: Leo and Els Schrade

    Details and registration
    • Theater Marabu, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Performance
    • Discussion
    • Exile

    Young Ensemble Marabu 2024

    Details and registration
  • Ghassan Al-Halabi
    • Haus an der Redoute, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Concert and reading
    • Exile

    "Music as a source of strength for life in exile"

    Details and registration
  • a.d.S. Südwall, Marseille, 2017-2018
    • Burg Lede, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Exhibition opening and exhibition
    • Exile

    Exile in books and pictures

    Details and registration
  • Hast du schon gehört?
    • Theater Marabu, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Performance
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile

    Have you already heard?

    Details and registration
  • Die Exilantin
    • Fabrik 45, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Exhibition opening and exhibition
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile

    DIE EXILANTIN - visual poetry as a contemporary document

    Details and registration
  • Stolpersteine
    • Euro Theater Central, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Acting
    • Exile

    The Apfel family - A fate as a memorial

    Details and registration
  • Günther Bucki als Fahrer Ben-Gurions
    • Treffpunkt Gedenkstätte und NS-Dokumentationszentrum Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Guided tours
    • Exile

    City tour "Bonn residents on the run from the Nazis"

    Details and registration
  • Das unbekannte Land
    • Gustav-Stresemann-Institut Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Talk and reading
    • Exile

    The GDR in the West

    Details and registration
  • Ohne Titel
    • Kreuzgang der Remigiuskirche, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Exhibition
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile

    Women and the Taliban

    Details and registration
    • Kulturzentrum Brotfabrik Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Talk and reading
    • Exile

    The Jeckes in Israel

    Details and registration
  • Gedenktafel für Irmgard Keun in der Breite Straße, Bonn
    • Bonner Verlags-Comptoir, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Talk and reading
    • Exile

    Experiences in Exile of German-language authors after 1933

    Details and registration
  • Fridays for Future - Demonstration gegen die AFD in Berlin 21.01.2024
    • Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Meeting offer
    • Dance
    • Exile


    Details and registration
  • Vorleserin Barbara Teuber
    • Haus der Theatergemeinde BONN, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Reading
    • Exile

    Game of life: Stefan Zweig's "Chess novella"

    Details and registration
  • Lost & Found
    • Vorplatz Opernhaus, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Concert
    • Exhibition
    • Exile

    The Singing and Greening Box

    Details and registration
  • Milein Cosman, Bonn by the Rhine, 1949
    • Haus der Bildung, Vortragssaal, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Lecture and discussion
    • Exile

    The artist Milein Cosman

    Details and registration
  • Arthur Samuel mit Cello an der russischen Front, Litauen 1916
    • Museum August Macke Haus, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Talk and concert
    • Exile

    "Hope is the feather-thing" - The Samuel family from Bonn

    Details and registration
  • Grenzenlose Hoffnung
    • Kulturzentrum Brotfabrik Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Concert and reading
    • Exile

    Unlimited hope

    Details and registration
  • Schon darüber nachgedacht?
    • Rheinpavillon, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Movie night
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile

    ARTpolis mobile open-air cinema: Diaspora short films

    Details and registration
  • Porträt Thomas B. Schumann
    • Stadtmuseum Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Reading
    • Exile

    Memories from exile

    Details and registration
  • Kurzfilmwanderung Bonn 2022
    • Bonner Verlags-Comptoir, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Movie night
    • Exile

    Kurzfilmwanderung Bonn

    Präsentiert wird eine kuratierte Auswahl von Kurzfilmen. Ausgestattet mit einem mobilen Projektor, wandert das Publikum von Hauswand zu Hauswand.

    Details and registration
  • Radbaano,  Peace and Freedom
    • Kulturzentrum Brotfabrik Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Exhibition opening and exhibition
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile


    Details and registration
  • Der Windeckbunker, 1942
    • Days of Exile
    • Guided tours and talk
    • Exile

    Explorations at the Windeck bunker

    Details and registration
  • Hans Tombrock, Selbstbildnis
    • Stadtmuseum Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Exhibition
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile

    Exile art in focus

    Details and registration
  • Ehepaar Kinkel, 1855
    • Bonner Verlags-Comptoir, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Lecture and discussion
    • Exile

    Johanna Kinkel - An exile novel

    Details and registration
  • Alisa Weil am Strand von Haifa
    • Gedenkstätte und NS-Dokumentationszentrum Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Reading and talk
    • Exile

    "Alisa Weil - Germany, Palestine and back"

    Details and registration
  • Thomas Mann im Exil
    • Haus an der Redoute, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Lecture and discussion
    • Exile

    Thomas Mann in American exile

    Details and registration
  • Fassade LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn
    • LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Guided tours
    • Exile

    Exile in cultural history

    Details and registration
  • Küche des Exils
    • Katholische Familienbildungsstätte Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile

    Kitchen of exile

    Details and registration
    • Junges Theater Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Acting
    • Exile

    Secret friends

    Details and registration
  • Arthur Samuel, Passfoto
    • Museum August Macke Haus, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Meeting offer
    • Exile

    "I invented comforting things for myself." Workshop on Arthur Samuel

    Details and registration
  • Walter Nessler, Abstrakte Stadt
    • Haus der Bildung, Vortragssaal, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Talk and discussion
    • Exile

    Exile art: of biographies and destinies

    Details and registration
  • Vorleseduo Laё & SELmanN
    • Haus der Theatergemeinde BONN, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Reading
    • Exile

    Witnesses of the downfall: The voice of man

    Details and registration
  • Bühnenbildentwurf
    • Schauspielhaus, Theater Bonn, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Acting
    • Exile
    • Old Age

    216 MILLIONS by Lothar Kittstein

    Details and registration
  • Aus der Fotoserie Iraquel Chachki
    • Theater im Ballsaal, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Acting
    • Performance
    • Exile

    Home in diversity

    Details and registration
  • Michel Friedman
    • Theater Bonn – Werkstatt, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Acting
    • Exile

    FREMD by Michel Friedman

    Details and registration
    • Pantheon Theater, Bonn
    • Days of Exile
    • Barrier-free access
    • Concert
    • Exile

    MASAA - Concert at the end of the Days of Exile

    Details and registration