Photo: Alexander Andjic
182nd Bergedorf Round Table
Off to a New Chapter?
Deepening the EU – Western Balkans Partnership in Times of Geopolitical Turmoil
16 – 17 June 2023 in Belgrade
Marking a Zeitenwende, an epochal tectonic shift both in Europe and on a global scale, Russia’s war against Ukraine has also reinforced the importance for the European Union to bring the Western Balkans into the European fold. The stability of the Western Balkans, a region of great potential at the heart of Europe, but also one beset by unresolved disputes and economic hardship, has become a geopolitical priority for the EU as Russia and China seek to uphold and expand their regional influence. While regional leaders recommit to the European path of their countries, the “road to Europe” has proven to be a long and arduous one. Accession negotiations have been moving slowly, and fatigue met frustration after the EU moved rapidly to accept Ukraine and Moldova as official candidates. In addition, ties have been put to the test with diverging positions on the EU’s sanctions policy and CFSP.
The 182nd Bergedorf Round Table explored how to inject new life into the accession process amidst new geopolitical realities.
The participants of the 182nd Bergedorf Round Table were 30 high-ranking politicians, government officials, and representatives of think tanks, academia and media from Germany, Serbia, the Western Balkans, Europe, and the United States.
Nora Müller, Vladimir Orlić, Thomas Paulsen all photos: Alexander Andjic Thomas Paulsen Opening Dinner at the Jugoslovenska Kinoteka (Yugoslav Film Archive) Thomas Paulsen, Florian Eder Manuel Sarrazin, Radmila Šekerinska, Anke Konrad Thomas Paulsen, Florian Eder, Tanja Miščević Tanja Miščević, Aydan Özoğuz, Borut Pahor Marta Szpala, Borko Stefanović Cameron Munter, Thomas Paulsen, Florian Eder, Nora Müller Sonja Licht, Cameron Munter Dominik Jankowksi, Manuel Sarrazin Gazela Pudar Draško, Wolfgang Ischinger Nora Müller, Ursula Plassnik Anke Konrad, Manuel Sarrazin, Radmila Šekerinska, Jovana Joksimović Radmila Šekerinska, Galip Dalay, Wolfgang Ischinger Marta Szpala, Madeline Knox Rudina Hajdari, Márton Ugrósdy, Alisa Vogt