180th Bergedorf Round Table
Gravity Shift Towards the East?
Russia’s War in Ukraine and the EU’s Changing Political Balance
9 -10 December 2022 in Warsaw
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Europe experienced an unprecedented moment of decisiveness and unity. Ten months into the war, much of this unity has given way to conflicting defence and security policies, manifested in diverging views on arms-supplies and long-term war goals. Pressure is further increased by ongoing debates over member states’ commitment to sanctions and the fear of economic sacrifice, soaring energy costs, and supply chain disruptions. In times of crisis, the Central and Eastern European EU member states have emerged as crucial actors in creating effective responses to the war, taking centre stage in terms of refugee intake, military aid, and providing important impulses for the EU’s future strategic direction. Has Europe’s centre of gravity shifted east?
Cognizant of the centrality of Polish-German relations to European integration and security, the 180th Bergedorf Round Table explored how to strengthen European cohesion, bridge strategic chasms and work towards a common strategic culture.
A distinguished group of 30 high-ranking politicians, government officials, and representatives of think tanks, academia and media from Germany, Poland and other EU and NATO member states discussed these questions during the 180th Bergedorf Round Table. The Round Table took place on 9 and 10 of December 2022 in Warsaw.