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eCommemoration Convention 2021: Virtual Testimony

  • 62 min.

Jack Gutmann (Artist), Karen Jungblut (USC Shoah Foundation) and Vít Šisler (Charles University/Charles Games) discuss how interactive technology and serious games open new perspectives on the past. History is more than numbers and figures. To eyewitnesses, history is life experience. Hearing their stories makes history come alive. Digital technologies go beyond mere recordings of testimony. They open spaces for virtual interaction. Serious games such as »Attentat 1942« and »Svoboda 1945: Liberation« (Charles Games 2017 and 2021) allow players to interact with fictionalised eyewitnesses to explore the conflicted history that surrounds World War II. USC Shoah Foundation’s »Dimensions in Testimony« programme aims at preserving future possibilities of interaction with Holocaust survivors. In the autobiographical adventure game »Path Out« (Causa Creations 2017) players adopt the character of a young Syrian artist, who escaped the civil war in 2014. How can new tools make the complexity of historical testimony accessible? Which insights can virtual eyewitnesses offer when dealing with contested pasts? And how can they maintain their relevance for generations still to come?

Moderator: Marcus Richter

This event was recorded during the eCommemoration Convention 2021 and was realised in cooperation with the Foundation for Digital Games Culture, Berlin.