Planet der Flüchtlinge
© Deutsches Exilarchiv

Broken biographies

  • Mendelssohn-Remise, Berlin
  • Days of Exile
  • Barrier-free access
  • Talk

Historian Juliane Wetzel talks about German Jews in China and the USA after their escape from the “Third Reich”. Afterwards, descendants will talk about the exile experience in their family memories: Daphna Berman, whose grandfather was a cattle trader and built up a dairy farm in the USA, and Adina Stern, whose father Hellmut Stern fled to China and returned to his hometown in 1961 as first violinist of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. It will be moderated by historian Stefanie Fischer.

Languages: German, English

Organised by: Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung der Technischen Universität Berlin

In cooperation with: Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg

Jägerstraße 51
10117 Berlin

Adresse der Veranstaltung

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Admission free

Tickets at or 030 81 70 47 26