Jewish cemetary Altona
photo Jonas Stier © geschichtomat

Young people explore the Jewish Cemetery Altona

  • Jüdischer Friedhof Altona, Hamburg
  • Days of Exile
  • Guided tour and workshop
  • Exile

There is a Jewish cemetery on Königstraße in Altona that is over 400 years old: graves of Jews of Portuguese and German descent who were driven into exile bear witness to Hamburg’s rich Jewish history.

There is a Jewish cemetery on Königstraße in Altona that is over 400 years old: graves of Jews of Portuguese and German descent who were driven into exile bear witness to Hamburg’s rich Jewish history. To this day, Jews from all over the world visit the remaining graves of Jewish scholars. School classes (from Year 5) are invited to explore the cemetery, its biographies and grave art with the support of the Geschichtomat educational project. The results of their research will be published.

Organised by: Institute for the History of German Jews / Geschichtomat project, Hamburg
In co-operation with: Hamburg Foundation for the Preservation of Monuments

Language: German

Admission free
Registration requested at,, Tel: 040 42 83 88 045

Further dates: Wed, 19 February, 9:00 am and
Thu, 20 February, 9:00 am

Jüdischer Friedhof Altona
22767 Hamburg

Adresse der Veranstaltung

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Anmeldung erbeten unter,, Tel: 040 42 83 88 045