Küche des Exils
© Haus Mondial

Kitchen of exile

  • Katholische Familienbildungsstätte Bonn, Bonn
  • Days of Exile
  • Barrier-free access
  • Meeting offer
  • Exile

What role does food play for people who have had to leave their country? What memories are associated with dishes? Do these dishes and meals eaten together help people to find their way in new environments and keep the memory of their homeland alive? Dishes from different homelands are cooked together, and there is an invitation to eat and talk. This will be accompanied by a presentation of the results of the writing workshop organised by Haus Mondial, in which refugee women took part.

Language: German / Arabic

Admission: free

registration at vielfalt@caritas-bonn.de or 0228 26 717-0

Organised by: Aktion Neue Nachbarn, Caritas Association for the City of Bonn, Haus Mondial

Supported by: Archdiocese of Cologne

The Körber Foundation, the Federal City of Bonn and the Herbert and Elsbeth Weichmann Foundation assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information provided. The organisers are solely responsible for this and the content of the programme submissions.

Katholische Familienbildungsstätte Bonn
Lennéstraße 5
53113 Bonn

Adresse der Veranstaltung

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Registration is required for our events. We release remaining places three working days before the event.

Admission is free unless otherwise stated. All event rooms open half an hour before the start. The seating quota includes standing room. Please note the respective venue.