Porträt Thomas B. Schumann
Foto und ©: Jörn Neumann

Memories from exile

No registration required

The collector and publisher Thomas B. Schumann presents two books of memoirs by emigrants. Peter Spiro, the son of the leading Berlin portraitist and landscape painter Eugen Spiro until 1933, tells of the loss of his social life and his father’s problems in exile. Hugo Perls, the Berlin lawyer, philosopher, collector, patron and gallery owner, is also introduced. He cultivated numerous contacts with artists and met Pablo Picasso, Edvard Munch and Max Liebermann during his time in exile.

Language: German

Admission: free

Further information at: bonn.de/events

Organised by: Centre for Urban History and Cultures of Remembrance Bonn

The Körber Foundation, the Federal City of Bonn and the Herbert and Elsbeth Weichmann Foundation assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information provided. The organisers are solely responsible for this and the content of the programme submissions.

Bonner Verlags-Comptoir
Wolfstraße 5
53111 Bonn


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