Exiljournalist:innen im Gespräch
© Jalal Hussaini

Learning from 2015: Refugee Journalists in Dialogue

  • Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin
  • Days of Exile
  • Barrier-free access
  • Network meeting and discussion

In 2015, many journalists came to Germany from Syria and Afghanistan. In 2022, media workers fled here in the wake of the Ukraine war. How does their situation differ? How can newcomers benefit from the experiences of those who arrived previously? How does the German media landscape present itself to them, and what can they achieve for their countries from afar? The network meeting serves to present projects by and for exiled journalists and to exchange experiences.

Language: German, English, consecutive translation

Organised by: Amal, Berlin!

In cooperation with: Tagesspiegel

Supported by: Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, JX Fund

Der Tagesspiegel
Askanischer Platz 3
10963 Berlin

Adresse der Veranstaltung

Google Maps Apple Maps

Admission free

Tickets at Dorothee.Nolte@tagesspiegel.de